Research is an epic journey of courage and discovery.
If you watch a TV or online series regularly, then you already understand the allure of an open-ended narrative. If you've ever binge-watched a series, then you know the insatiable drive to consume that story – as an event, hosting a watch-party, or possibly even taking a sick day off from work (we won't tell).
Research is an open-ended narrative, with heroes and champions on a quest into the unknown, facing great challenges and uncovering hidden treasure. These are the elements of a great story which audiences are drawn to and follow. But to build an audience for your science, your science story needs narrative and strategy to create influence.
Join our next CoLab to discover ...
• Why story is so important in science communication.
• How to start with your science story.
• Storytelling to make science more accessible.
• Developing your story as a journey for an audience.
• What are the skills to practice to improve your storytelling.
Thursday, July 27, 2017 · 2:00 p.m.
Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Doctoral Candidate, University of California, Berkeley
Sara ElShafie is a doctoral candidate in Integrative Biology at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research, based at the UC Museum of Paleontology at Berkeley, investigates climate change impacts on animal communities over time. Sara is...
Founder and Principal, Science Communication Media
Aaron works at the intersection of politics, civic engagement and science. He previously worked for the Union of Concerned Scientists, primarily focused on helping scientists effectively engage in policy debates. He also worked for Cater...
As Design Director at IDEO, Jenn helps companies and organizations hatch new brands, hone and express their existing brands, and on exceptionally good days, create positive change in the world.