Join us for an informative webinar featuring Alex Russell, our in-house expert on the new Victorian Curriculum.

Alex will discuss the latest updates to the science learning area and highlight how Stile will help to ensure the transition is seamless and you are fully equipped.

There's space to submit your questions on registration, so be sure to let us know what you'd like to learn!
  • The new curriculum: What's changed?
  • How is Stile preparing?
  • How will Stile support you in implementing the new curriculum?
Stile PL Team
Alex from Stile
Head of Curriculum and Pedagogy (BSc, GradDipTchg(Primary))
Alex studied a Bachelor of Science before gaining a Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Primary) and commencing her teaching career in New Zealand’s intermediate school system. She taught students in years 7 and 8 across all curriculum areas, with a particular passion for science and developing metacognitive thinking in students. Completing the Science Teaching Leadership Programme, facilitated by The Royal Society, was a career highlight that allowed Alex to work alongside scientists in the field and to study science-specific pedagogies. She has been with Stile since 2019, working in a variety of roles to support teachers in using Stile to deliver a high-quality science education.
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