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CMMC Version 2.0 Update Webinar

About This Webinar

On November 4, 2021, The Department of Defense announced CMMC 2.0. This announcement comes with the strategic direction of the CMMC program, including but not limited to:

*Simplifying the CMMC standard and providing additional clarity on cybersecurity regulatory, policy, and contracting requirements

*Focusing the most advanced cybersecurity standards and third-party assessment requirements on companies supporting the highest priority programs

*Increasing Department oversight of professional and ethical standards in the assessment ecosystem

In this webinar, Jacob Horne (Chief Security Evangelist at Summit 7), Robert Metzger (Attorney | Procurement Law, Cyber & Supply Chain | National Security Matters), and Scott Edwards (CEO of Summit 7) will address the implications of CMMC 2.0 on the Defense Industrial Base, and what this could mean for aerospace and defense contractors in the future. The two thought leaders will address what we know about the 2.0 update and what predicates it, what we're waiting to find out, and what this potentially means for those seeking CMMC compliance in the DoD supply chain. As an attendee, you'll have a chance to ask these industry thought leaders questions regarding the update.

U.S. DoD Strategic Direction for CMMC: https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2833006/strategic-direction-for-cybersecurity-maturity-model-certification-cmmc-program/

CMMC 2.0 Website: https://www.acq.osd.mil/cmmc/

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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Webinar hosting presenter Summit 7
Redeeming the workplace.
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Chief Security Evangelist @ Summit 7
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Attorney | Procurement Law, Cyber & Supply Chain | National Security Matters
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Attended (951)