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Building the Perfect Dataset

About This Webinar

In today’s data-driven world, having a robust and comprehensive dataset is critical for the success of machine learning models. But building the perfect dataset is not a simple task. In this webinar, we will explore the best practices for building and labeling datasets, and discuss the key considerations that should be taken into account to ensure that your models perform to their full potential.

Who can view: People who registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Host - Techstrong Learning
Webinar hosting presenter
General Secretary - AI Infrastructure Alliance
Lee is the General Secretary for the AI Infrastructure Alliance. Based out of the UK, he is responsible for crafting and nurturing relationships with companies to build a canonical stack for
AI and ML. He has spent the last 8 years helping launch and grow MLOps startups. When not shuttling his 3 children around, he can most often be found cycling, running and swimming around England's South Coast.
Webinar hosting presenter
Chief Content Officer - Techstrong Group
Mike Vizard is a seasoned IT journalist with over 25 years of experience. He also contributed to IT Business Edge, Channel Insider, Baseline and a variety of other IT titles. Previously, Vizard was the editorial director at Ziff-Davis Enterprise as well as editor-in-chief at CRN and InfoWorld.
Webinar hosting presenter
CDP Product Evangelist - Treasure Data
Zack Wenthe is the CDP Product Evangelist for Treasure Data. As a marketer and strategist, Zack is passionate about helping marketing teams break down silos, operate more efficiently, and develop a true understanding of their customers.
Webinar hosting presenter
VP of AI Product - Cherre
Misha Sulpovar serves as the vice president of AI product at Cherre, a leading data integration and insights platform. In this role, he is responsible for leading Cherre’s AI product strategy, based on urgent market needs and Cherre’s innovation roadmap. Misha builds tools and platforms that allow people to make better decisions and drive better insights, empowering Cherre’s clients to build their own data science teams, which is something he assists with both internally and externally.
Webinar hosting presenter
CEO - Augmenta
With 20 patents to his credit and numerous scientific publications, Francesco Iorio has a proven track record of innovation in multiple fields, with considerable technical and business impact. Not only is his input valued on a technical level, his contributions to business development activities, client-facing strategic innovation sessions and presentations, academic partnerships and M&A activities help grow companies. Iorio pioneered modern generative design when the director of computational science research at Autodesk Research, exploring state-of-the-art computational science projects. He is now a co-founder and CEO of Augmenta, where he leads artificial intelligence, advanced computational science, and user-centered design experts in transforming the way buildings are designed and built. He was also a solution architect for next-generation computing systems at the IBM High Performance Computing Group in Dublin, Ireland. He holds a MSc in information technology from the University of Liverpool and a PhD in computer science from the University of Toronto.
Hosted By
Techstrong Learning webinar platform hosts Building the Perfect Dataset
Techstrong is an Omniversal media company covering IT industries and practices that are re-shaping the world of technology. Specifically, DevOps, Cloud Native, Cybersecurity and Digital Transformation are the communities we live in.
Attended (70)