Join us for an insightful webinar where we bring together application development and cybersecurity teams to explore how to shift application security further left in the development process as seamlessly as possible. This roundtable discussion will provide valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance the security of your software supply chains.
Amanda Scheldt
Cybersecurity Writer and Webinar Host - Techstrong Group
Mike Vizard
Chief Content Officer - Techstrong Group
Mike Vizard is a seasoned IT journalist with over 25 years of experience. He also contributed to IT Business Edge, Channel Insider, Baseline and a variety of other IT titles. Previously, Vizard was the editorial director at Ziff-Davis Enterprise as well as editor-in-chief at CRN and InfoWorld.
Monish Advani
Head of Products, Developer Security - Harness
Chris Lindsey
Application Security Evangelist - Mend.io
Chris Lindsey is a seasoned speaker who has appeared at conferences, webinars, and private events. Currently building an online community and creating a podcast series, Chris draws on expertise from more than 15 years of direct security experience and over 35 years of experience leading teams in programming and software, solutions, and security architecture.
For three years, Chris built and led an entire application security program that includes the implementation of mature AppSec programs, including oversight of security processes and procedures, SAST, DAST, CSA/OSA, compliance, training, developer communication, code reviews, application inventory gathering, and risk analysis.
Dhaval Shah
Senior Director of Product Management - ReversingLabs