• When
  • About
    Welcome to our interactive, participatory workshop about plotting a novel.

    In this session, Daniel will offer you two powerful techniques for improving your fiction, and will set you a writing prompt to help you get started (or re-see) your novel during the workshop itself.

    In particular, we're going to look at some ways to build plot naturally, organically, rather than imposing a structure on the story from outside. When we plot "character-first," the craft of fiction becomes a lot more accessible and easy to understand -- and readers enjoy our work more, too.

    "Daniel David Wallace gives smart, clear-headed editorial advice and his services are well worth every penny. Even working with a literary agency, going through rewrites, I had not received this level of attentiveness, this kind of sensitivity to the project at hand. Daniel responded quickly and was generous with feedback.

    His suggestions have helped enormously--and he is particularly astute about issues of plotting, and whether the structure is serving the characters and their story. I hope Daniel Wallace is still accepting clients when I finish my next novel, because his service is invaluable."

    - Martha Otis
  • Agenda
    • Why "the hero's journey" can confuse writers
    • What readers need vs what they want
    • How to create a compelling main character
    • Ways to get your story vision down on on the page
    • A simple plan for your novel's first three chapters
  • Duration
    1 hour 30 minutes
  • Price
  • Language
  • Dial-in Number
    Please register for this Webinar to view the dial-in info.