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Clarke DS Fellowship: 14 Tips for a Smooth Application Process

About This Webinar

Join us for a 60-minute session to walk step by step through the William D. Clarke, Sr. Diplomatic Security Fellowship application. We'll answer your questions and provide tips to ensure a smooth application process.

The final deadline for your completed application submission is April 29, 2024, at 11:59 pm (EDT).

This webinar is designed for individuals who are applying for the 2025 cohort of the Clarke DS Fellowship program. Students who are currently working on their Clarke DS Fellowship application will benefit from the information and guidance provided in this webinar.

We will also discuss the eligibility requirements, the selection process, obligations of Clarke DS Fellows, and the timeline of the Clarke DS Fellowship program.

You'll hear:

  • What transcripts and financial documents are required to be submitted with the application

  • When the clearance processes and suitability review are conducted

  • The importance of your personal statement

  • How the selection process works

  • Your obligation to the State Department once you are selected and you accept the fellowship

  • The timeline of the 2025 cohort from orientation to appointment into the Foreign Service

  • And much more!

This webinar is designed for individuals who are planning to apply for the Clarke DS Fellowship program or who have started their application.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Allie Miyazaki
Director, Digital Marketing, The Washington Center
Webinar hosting presenter
Program Coordinator for Federal and Customized Initiatives, The Washington Center
Webinar hosting presenter Heidi Ramaeker
Marketing and Outreach Manager, The Washington Center
Heidi Ramaeker is the manager of marketing and outreach with The Washington Center for the FAIT Fellowship program. She leads our direct outreach and promotional efforts with universities, including virtual info sessions and career fairs.
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior Advisor on Workforce Strategy and Development, U.S. Department of State