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How to Spiritually Surrender - Part 1

About This Webinar

“7 Steps that Allow for the Good”
February 16, 2023 - Part 1

Spiritual Surrender is one of the most important principles to apply in our lives but is often the most difficult to do. Without surrender you are left to your own limited devices in overcoming challenges. With surrender you invite the power of Possibility into your life.

Understanding and applying a process can also help you make peace with what you can't change, challenges you are having, or compulsive behaviors in yourself (or others) over which you feel powerless. It's how you can actually be okay when you're not “feeling” okay.

It’s how you can be okay with what is.

Adapted from: Laura M. Brotherson, LMFT, CST, CFLE

• To PRACTICE letting go and allowing Possibility (God/Spirit, Etc.).
• To let go of things you CAN’T control anyway.
• To FREE yourself from your fears.
• To develop greater faith, trust and RIGHT timing.

- Recorded Webinar
- Printable Handouts

CE's/CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: To receive a Certificate for 1.0 CE toward NTCB and FSHLB Renewals or a Certificate of Completion you must make a $9 payment for the webinar and email your answers the following Assignment/s to Shpli.org@gmail.com.

1. Share your insights and realizations.
2. Share your completed Surrender Statement unless you feel to keep in private.
3. If so, let us know that you completed it.

SUPPORTIVE DONATIONS: https://ishpa.gumroad.com/l/loroa

LINK TO THIS SESSION: https://www.bigmarker.com/thespirituallyspeakingcafe/How-to-Do-Spiritual-Surreder

LINK TO PART 2: https://www.bigmarker.com/thespirituallyspeakingcafe/How-to-Spiritually-Surrender-Part-2

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Donation
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Spiritually Aligned Life Channel webinar platform hosts How to Spiritually Surrender - Part 1
Hosted by Randall Loop, LMT, LSH, OM

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Attended (4)