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Writing compelling ad copy may be simple, but maintaining high-performing ads can be challenging. Particularly with so much of the process automated through Smart Bidding.

Your competition is continuously improving their ads and always seems to choose the relevant words, positioning or offer. This becomes even more complex to drive performance when you add localization.

In this session, you'll learn how to maximize ad copy relevance and performance alongside your automated processes. We'll go over:

  • The evolution of ad copy options with Smart Bidding

  • Benchmarking your ad copy performance alongside your competitors

  • Why message matters by segment or market

  • Assessing local markets ad copy at scale

  • How brand ad copy plays a critical part in Share of Search

VP of Marketing, Adthena

As VP of marketing, Ashley is responsible for continually expanding the global audience and market for Adthena’s groundbreaking search intelligence solutions. He joined Adthena from Criteo, where he led the product marketing team launching its Predictive Search product, an automated performance solution for Google Shopping in the US and EMEA. Prior to Criteo, he headed up marketing for finance and insurance comparison products across global markets at Google. In his 5 years at Google, Ashley also worked for the broader Search Ads Team, including Google Shopping and Google Express products. Ashley’s career began on the agency side at Coast Digital, and he holds an MSc in Global Marketing and attended Wharton's Mini-MBA Program for Executives.