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Email marketing has never been more challenging. With soaring customer expectations and an overcrowded inbox, delivering impactful campaigns demands precision and innovation.

Join us to uncover strategies for overcoming common execution hurdles and leveraging advanced technologies to maximize your campaign's impact. You'll gain insights into the latest trends, best practices, and real-world examples of successful email campaigns. We'll explore how AI-driven platforms like Zeta are revolutionizing the industry, surpassing traditional workflow-based approaches, and demonstrate how Zeta's Email Service Provider (ESP) empowers marketers to achieve higher ROI, lower costs, and deliver personalized, omnichannel experiences.

Key Discussion Points:
  • The Critical Role of Execution in Email Campaigns
  • Technology and Innovation in Email Marketing
  • Case Study: Haggar Clothing Success Story
  • Future Trends in Email Marketing
SVP, Strategic Solutions, Zeta Global
Kara brings nearly two decades of marketing expertise, specializing in digital marketing with a focus on email and social media strategies. She has developed a deep understanding of email marketing's legal and best practices, making her a valued consultant in the field's dynamic landscape. Kara holds a degree from Purdue University and resides in St. John, Indiana, with her family.
Digital Marketing Manager, Haggar Clothing Co.
Jacklyn is currently the digital marketing manager for the men's apparel brand, Haggar Clothing Co. She focuses on blending her love for creative design and analytical data in her current position and manages several digital marketing efforts, including all email operations, SMS communications, and "a few other odds and ends". She also works closely with other departments to strategize and innovate all marketing efforts for the direct-to-consumer brand.