• About
    It was only 2 years ago (mid 2022) that I felt completely shackled to my clinic, and was having my worst ever time in business ownership:

    - I had 1 clinic, that was going through it's hardest time ever
    - I worked 30 hours a week, and had plenty of sleepless nights
    - I went to work 4 days a week (and thought about work on days 5, 6 and 7!)
    - My profit margin was 7% - despite trying as hard as I ever had

    Needless to say, I was sad...

    So let's fast forward to today. It's 2024 (now)

    - I have 2 clinics
    - I work 10 hours a week on them (total)
    - I go to work 2 days a week
    - My profit margin is 20% (of an amount that is 50% bigger than 2 years ago)
    - I feel proud/relieved

    For those of you who have attended a webinar or live event from me in the past - I promise you that this will be the SINGLE BEST EVENT I have EVER run.

    The amount I have learned and implemented in business this past 3 years, to turn things around in my clinic, during one of the hardest times to run a business in history, as well as growing a clinic from scratch to a 7 figure, 20% profit business in 12 months, this is what you will learn on this truly one-of-a-kind webinar.

    Many can tell you what to do, I prefer to show you how I did it!

    Bring your senior team members to this webinar too.

    I am excited to showing you the way forward in your clinic - what I believe to be a better way.
  • Agenda
    • I will give you context as to what led my clinic to be where it was in 2022
    • I will show you the results we are achieving now, in 2024
    • We will go in depth into how I solved the problems that caused the significant upswing in profits and buying back my time
    • You will walk away with 2-5 gold nuggets for how to improve your clinic that you will be able to immediately implement
  • Duration
    2 hours 30 minutes
  • Price
  • Language
  • Dial-in available
    (listen only)
    Not available.