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Scaling a Sales Strategy: 5 Things I Wish I Knew Sooner

About This Webinar

Success isn’t success unless it’s repeatable and scalable – period.

And when it comes to home services sales, no one knows this better than Brandon Thoms, VP of Sales at MarketSharp.

So join us on Wednesday, September 11 at 2pm ET, as we’re interviewing Brandon on the top five things he’s learned throughout his experience in building sales teams and strategies, that he wishes he had known sooner.

Come for insights on:

• Hiring culture
• KPIs and goals
• Post sales success

And more. Brandon has a wealth of knowledge in home services sales and marketing. So whether you’re a sales rep, sales manager, or executive, you’ll walk away from this webinar with fresh perspectives and practical advice to replicate your success. Register now!

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Webinar Price: Free
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