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This webinar empowers both manufacturers and suppliers operating in African markets with valuable insights and actionable strategies to streamline their payment processes and ensure uninterrupted supply chain continuity. By fostering collaborative partnerships, embracing digital payment solutions, and implementing best practices, attendees will be better equipped to overcome payment challenges, enhance their operational efficiency, and foster sustainable growth in the dynamic landscape of African markets. Live Q&A session.

Discussion Points:

Understanding the Crucial Role of Supply Chain Continuity in African Markets: The impact of payment inefficiencies & dollar-shortages on supply chain continuity.

Building Strong Supply Chain Relationships: Identifying ways to foster trust and cooperation between supply chain stakeholders.

The Ripple Effect of Dollar-Shortages on Supply Chain Payments: Mitigating the impact of currency fluctuations on payment transactions.

Optimizing Payment Processes with Digital Solutions: Highlighting the benefits of adopting digital payment solutions.

Leveraging Payment Partnerships: Discussing the advantages of forging strategic payment partnerships between manufacturers, suppliers, and financial institutions.
Kenya Lead
FX Dealer
Co-Founder & CEO
Marketing Events Associate