Bite wounds are a common cause of trauma in the cat – representing up to 20% of all presentations for trauma. Dog bites in particular may result in significant bite-force-related tissue damage – owing to the significant crush force applied during the bite. Careful patient management is required to avoid potentially severe local and systemic effects of the bite injury – including tissue necrosis, systemic illness and sepsis. Join emergency clinician, Dr Philip Judge, from Vet Education, as he shares the latest perspectives on the management of dog bite injury in the cat – from early patient stabilisation, to the timing of surgery, and medical aspects of management.
  • To review current literature on the management of dog bite injuries in cats
  • To evaluate complications encountered in dog bite injuries in cats, and review management strategies that reduce likelihood of complications
  • To develop a sound patient management strategy for the management of dog bite wounds in cats.
  • T
    Tanya Channa