With the UK not getting any healthier and rising rates of lifestyle-related ill-health, it’s clear that traditional healthcare models have needed a rethink. Despite increased national focus on prevention in recent years, around two-thirds of the nation are overweight or obese and more than five million are living with diabetes. Promoting healthier lifestyles alone is not the answer, what’s obvious is that people need the means to change their behaviour, unlock healthier habits and sustain them. However, through PMI, prevention can go beyond that, through seamless access to screening and early intervention, alongside treatment when needed, as part of a joined-up, end-to-end care journey.

Amid ongoing NHS pressure and as demand for health insurance continues to grow, join us to get under the skin of what’s really at the heart of prevention and to explore how PMI is evolving to ensure it is meeting the changing needs of customers and remaining sustainable over the long term.


Adam Saville, Chief Editor, Vitality


David Middleton, Chairperson AMII
Dr Keith Klintworth, Managing Director VitalityHealth
Dr Nikita Patel, Medical Director, VitalityHealth
Athos Rushovich, Specialist Health Sales and Vitality Adviser

Adam Saville
Chief Editor
Dr Nikita Patel
Medical Director, Vitality
Athos Rushovich
Director - Specialist Health Sales, Vitality
Athos sits on the Executive Committee of Vitality Health. He has worked in the Insurance sector for over 30 years, and has led distribution channels across product lines and distribution disciplines.
Dave Middleton
Chairperson, Association of Medical Insurers and Intermediaries
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