Ken Molay, president of Webinar Success, presents tips to help you become a more effective online speaker. Presenting on a webcast or webinar is fundamentally different from speaking in front of an in-room audience. Since you and your audience cannot see each other, your vocal style and the way you interact with the web conferencing software determines how you are perceived.
You will learn how to prepare a presentation that complements the web environment and how to deliver it with confidence and professionalism. Discover ways to consciously adjust your vocal style in order to build rapport with your audience. Identify common presentation errors that can detract from your message.
As an added benefit, attend this event and receive a free speaker evaluation form that can be used to help identify strengths and weaknesses in your own presentation style.
This seminar is appropriate for anyone who delivers public presentations over the web. It is valuable for those currently using webinars in their business and for those just getting started with webinars as a new communications medium. A live question and answer session will let you guide the session to concentrate on topics of the most interest and benefit to you.