Daily Study Group: Introduction to Laplace Transforms
About This Study Group
This Daily Study Group introduces you to the Laplace transform, its properties and applications, making use of cutting-edge Wolfram Language functions that make Laplace transforms automatically and accurately computable. Early lessons explain the Laplace transform and its inverse, essential properties, methods for evaluation and numerical algorithms. Later lessons are dedicated to applications of the Laplace transform, as it is one of the main tools available for solving differential equations. These topics are typically found in university courses on applied mathematics and electrical engineering. The lessons used in this Study Group are taken from the new Wolfram U course Introduction to Laplace Transforms.

A Wolfram instructor guides each session by sharing short lessons, polling the group to review key concepts, introducing practice problems and answering questions. Sessions run daily, Monday through Friday. Due to a US holiday, the Study Group does not meet on Monday, February 17. A program completion certificate is earned by attending the daily sessions and passing quizzes. Level 1 proficiency certification in Laplace transforms is available from the interactive course.
Sessions in This Study Group