Ecology encompasses the study of the varied and intricate relationships between organisms and their environments. Contemporary ecological research requires robust analytical tools and techniques to model ecosystems reliably or study ecological data. Wolfram Language offers a broad and powerful toolkit for researchers exploring complex ecological questions.
Join this colloquium to hear overviews of recent work in ecology by research experts from around the world. This event will feature a series of short presentations by speakers focused on their recent ecological research, highlighting how they have used Wolfram Language tools in their work. Attendees will gain insights into the application of computational approaches to ecological studies, ranging from ecosystem dynamical modeling to spatial ecology, demonstrating the versatility and capability of Wolfram Language in addressing critical ecological challenges.
Webinar ID
Phileas Dazeley-Gaist
Junior Academic Content Developer, Wolfram Research
Daniel J.B. Smith
Postdoctoral researcher at Masel Lab, University of Arizona
Jonas Denk
Postdoctoral researcher at Hallatschek Lab, UC Berkeley; currently a consultant with zeb consulting