Join the xAct developers in a series of short talks to celebrate the 20th anniversary of xAct, a system for efficient tensor computer algebra in Wolfram Language. There will be introductory examples of how to use some of the xAct packages, as well as examples of use in larger projects. Bring your questions and suggestions for new features and improvements, and help to make xAct even more powerful.
Webinar ID
José Martín-García
Wolfram Research
Juan Valiente Kroon
Queen Mary University of London
Conformal Studies of Spacetimes with xAct
Cyril Pitrou
Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris
Clifford Algebra and Trace Techniques
Alfonso Garcia-Parrado
Universidad de Cordoba
Calculus in Vector Bundles Using xAct and Its Applications to Yang Mills Theory
Thomas Bäckdahl
Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg
The SymManipulator, SymSpin, SpinFrames and TexAct Packages
Guillaume Faye
Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris
Post-Newtonian Calculations with xAct/xTensor
Barry Wardell
University College Dublin
Green Functions, Hadamard Expansions and Riemann Tensor Canonicalization