Xstream's Marketing Mondays
Series | Marketing Your Travel Business
Marketing Mondays is a series of training webinars starting at the fundamentals of marketing your travel business - and as we progress will cover advanced marketing topics, secrets, hacks, and tips.

So if you want learn how to grow your business - don't miss out.

Open to all active Xstream Travel agents. Webinars will be recorded but if you don't attend the live one - you will miss out on discussion and Q&A.

Typical Agenda
Teaching - 25 minutes
Discussion - 15 minutes
Q&A - 10 minutes
Homework - 10 minutes
This course Has 1 Section
  • The Basics
    Monday, May 13, 2019 · 7:00 PM CDT
    The first Marketing Monday webinar to get everyone caught up on the basics and making sure we are working off the same play book.

    Handouts: Marketing Terms, Marketing Ideas
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