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Risk-adapted treatment selection after nephrectomy

About This Webinar

In this studio-based webinar, a multidisciplinary expert panel will address risk-adapted treatment selection after nephrectomy via interactive case discussions on adjuvant therapy in RCC.

Expert Panel

Philippe Barthélémy, Medical Oncology, Strasbourg Cancer Institute, Strasbourg, France

Axel Bex, Urology, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK

Viktor Grünwald, Medical Oncology, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany

Sylvie Rottey, Medical Oncology, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium

Bernadett Szabados, Urology, University College London Hospital & Barts Cancer Institute, London, UK

Learning objectives

Understand the newest data on adjuvant therapy in RCC

Identify which RCC patients are at high risk of recurrence post-nephrectomy and may benefit from adjuvant therapy

Choose the most appropriate adjuvant therapy for localised RCC at a patient-specific level

This live event is EACCME-accredited. The webinar will also be available on demand but not accredited.

Organised by ISSECAM

In collaboration with OncoAlert

Supported by an independent educational grant from MSD
