Special Offer: Get 50% off your first 2 months when you do one of the following
Personalized offer codes will be given in each session
  • Webinar
    Join us as we take a look at the current edition of the CreativeOne Index Performance Report.

    We will do a performance breakdown of the most popular indices in the Fixed Index Annuity marketplace and make sure that you get your copy of this valu...
  • Webinar
    Join us as we take a look at the current edition of the CreativeOne Index Performance Report.

    We will do a performance breakdown of the most popular indices in the Fixed Index Annuity marketplace and make sure that you get your copy of this valu...
  • Webinar
    Join us as we take a look at the current edition of the CreativeOne Index Performance Report.

    We will do a performance breakdown of the most popular indices in the Fixed Index Annuity marketplace and make sure that you get your copy of this valu...
  • Team Frank Weekly Webinar
    Fifteen minutes is not long in the grand scheme of one day, but imagine what that 15 minutes could bring to your business if it’s time spent hearing the latest and greatest marketing strategies.

    Join us each week as we discuss and explore various...
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    Training Sessions
    I’m excited you’re utilizing Retire for L.I.F.E. in your practice and I can’t wait to hear all about your success.

    But before you start hosting workshops, I thought we could gather for a few specialized training sessions to help you perfect your ...
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    IUL Declassified
    Gather more assets and grow your practice with IUL Declassified.

    Are you helping clients take advantage of the current tax environment? Advisors who’ve implemented the IUL Declassified strategy have consistently driven six-figure growth with this...
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    Hear from advisors just like you—or ones you aspire to be just like—as they share their tips, tricks and what works for them as we leave behind a year of weirdness and start to function in the new normal. At The Essentials: An Advisor Idea Exchang...
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  • Training
    Gather more assets and grow your practice with IUL Declassified.

    Are you helping clients take advantage of the current tax environment? Advisors who’ve implemented the IUL Declassified strategy have consistently driven six-figure growth with this...
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    Extraordinary and monumental changes are happening in 2021.

    To name a few … AG 49-A, IRC Section 7702 and the Democrats controlling three branches.

    The bottom line? There’s short-term confusion, but it’s going to be net-positive for our industry...
  • Blank-2
    Looking for ways to gather more assets while helping clients avoid
    potential tax pitfalls? This timely program discusses how to utilize the
    1040 tax form to determine if clients have additional cash reserves that
    can be better positioned for long-...
  • The Essentials 2021
    The Essentials wasn’t the usual hum-drum talk about new programs or what we thought you should be doing. It was about you, for you, put on by top advisors just like you. It was a place where you talked to one another—we didn’t talk at you.

    We do...
CreativeOne – #youbelonghere