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Frecuencia Latinoamérica
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En un mundo donde la comunicación digital define la relación entre empresas y clientes, la mensajería móvil se ha convertido en una herramienta clave para mejorar la experiencia del usuario, optimizar la atención y fortalecer la seguridad en las i...
Bajo demanda
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    Feitian Technologies introduces to the Latin American market the F20 handheld mobile terminals, all-in-one financial devices, which perform fingerprint reading. The terminals accept payments from chip and magnetic stripe cards and NFC contactless...
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    Estrategias de pagos y comercio móvil rumbo a la nueva economía cashless

    La pandemia aceleró y empujó las iniciativas de pagos y billeteras digitales, como consecuencia de la necesidad de ofrecer alternativas simples, claras y efectivas para un c...
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    Latin America has emerged as a power house of open banking activity

    Wider acceptance of open banking regulation and strategies is developing in Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico. FinTechs are flourishing following venture capital investment, ...
  • Summit
    The impact of the Covid-19 on the global economy is severe and far-reaching, affecting the entire business world, and the payment industry is no exception. The epidemic has accelerated the global process of mobile wallets and cashless payments. We...
Seminarios web 24/7
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    Tuesday, May 10, 2022 · 9:07 PM EDT
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    Wednesday, May 11, 2022 · 5:16 PM EDT
Fintech LatAm Webinar Series ofrece eventos virtuales destinados para la industria digital financiera de América Latina.