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Sustainable Packaging Coalition
  • Tuesday, January 25, 2022 · 11:00 AM EST
    Our second edition of SPC Winter Series wrapped up at the end of January. The virtual sessions were on a variety of topics related to Climate Change; Sustainable Packaging; Policy and Legislation; Non-Wood Fibers; Reusable and Refillable Successes...
  • Tuesday, May 11, 2021 · 12:00 PM EDT
    SPC’s Food Waste Repackaged is the latest initiative organized by the Sustainable Packaging Coalition. The Learning Series will include virtual events (webinars) in May and June. Open to all, these will explore topics such as:

    - Understanding Pac...
  • SPC Spring Sessions
    The SPC is pleased to share a selection of sessions from our spring event, SPC Impact 2021, open to all, available on-demand on our webinar platform.

    We will have two installments of sessions:
    - May: SPC's Spring Policy, EPR & Recovery Sessi...
  • Wednesday, January 20, 2021 · 11:00 AM EST
    SPC’s first Winter Series Virtual Events wrapped up at the end of March. Over the course of three months, thousands of SPC members and non-members tuned into our sessions to learn more about topics centered on sustainable packaging. We hope that t...
Sustainable Packaging Coalition's Webinars