Special Offer: Get 50% off your first 2 months when you do one of the following
Personalized offer codes will be given in each session
  • Blank-5
    Remote Series
    This is where you will find the replay recordings for the Quantum Alchemy Series.
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    The Ultimate Life, Business, and Personal TranceFormation Series, available at your fingertips.

    It includes the following ground breaking courses designed by Learning Strategies Corporation, the organisation behind PhotoReading, and updated and ...
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    The Super 7 Journey of TranceFormation 7-Day Limiting Belief Buster Challenge is an interactive video webinar course that will help you breakthrough old judgements, blockages, and limitation and help you change and TranceForm your life.

    What Wil...
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    Welcome to the 12-month TranceFormation Challenge Program.

    Why Choose This Program?

    In the realm of self-discovery and personal empowerment, Marilyn Devonish presents a ground breaking opportunity to break free from the shackles of limiting be...
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    Cyber Monday Summit
    A unique Black Friday Cyber Monday Summit where you can to attend a selection of online workshops for one fabulous price over the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend.
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    Learning Library (AAP)
    Why an All-Access Pass?

    Have you ever seen workshops or programs and realised that you either had to "choose" which one to do, or wish it was happening at a better or more convenient time?

    Or perhaps you've seen the price of almost everything ri...
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    The workshop is pre-recorded, however, I will be there LIVE in the chat to answer your questions.

    Because it was originally filmed with a live webinar audience, it is likely I will answer questions yo...
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    This is where you will attend the live events and Q&A Sessions, and also access the video webinar workshop replay recordings.

    If you are already registered for the program, just log in. Your details have been saved in the system.

    For those who...
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    This challenge is designed to help you:

    * Get clarity on the next step with something you've been wanting to achieve, putting off or procrastinating.
    * Decide how to get started.
    * Take action.

    In my usual style, I also designed it to require ...
  • Chakra Balance & Healing
    This series is designed to help balance, clear, and heal the chakra energy system. There are 7* webinars in the series, one for each chakra.

    I often ask clients when they say they are exhausted, if it’s purely physical, or if they are also spir...
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    TranceFormation Program
    The Marilyn Devonish TranceFormation™ Programme is an in-depth, step-by-step process and plan for understanding, re-aligning, appreciating, and where necessary, changing and transforming your mindset so that you can get way more out of life.

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    Magic & Gratitude Event
    The journey through this Video Webinar Workshop is open to all regardless of where in the world you are. The amazing testimonials below give you a taste of the real-life magic created!


    People have asked ...