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Wolfram Research
  • Study Group
    Find out what's going on inside ChatGPT and explore why it can perform so well at producing meaningful text. This Study Group is based on
  • Course Sequence
    This three-part course sequence is organized especially for those wanting comprehensive instruction and preparation for Wolfram Language Level 1 and Level 2 certifications. The programming proficiency course series meets for three separate class s...
  • Study Group
    This Daily Study Group introduces the fundamentals as well as state-of-the-art variational algorithms, quantum optimization and their applications. Learn how hybrid quantum-classical methods apply to optimization, numerical methods and quantum che...
  • Study Group
    This Daily Study Group explores photonic second quantization, utilizing the Wolfram Quantum Framework and its functionalities for describing states and operators used in quantum optics. The lessons cover topics like quantization of the electromagn...
  • Course Sequence
    This three-part course sequence will guide you in using the computational power of Wolfram technologies as a foundation for reliable AI systems. First, learn about the basic concepts of machine learning as well as the easy-to-use machine learning ...
  • Study Group
    This Daily Study Group follows lessons from the upcoming Wolfram U course Introduction to Decision Process Theory by Professor Gerald H. Thomas, the instructor of a successful engineering course and author of A Field Theory of Games,
  • Study Group
    This Daily Study Group introduces you to the Laplace transform, its properties and applications, making use of cutting-edge Wolfram Language functions that make Laplace transforms automatically and accurately computable. Early lessons explain the ...
  • Webinar Series
    Version 14.2 of Wolfram Language and Mathematica delivers smarter AI assistance and new and improved functionality in core areas of the language. In this webinar series, you'll see examples of how to incorporate chat with Wolfram Notebook Assistan...
  • Course Sequence
    This three-part course sequence will guide you in using the computational power of Wolfram technologies as a foundation for reliable AI systems. First, learn about the basic concepts of machine learning as well as the easy-to-use machine learning ...
  • Blank-2
  • Blank-3
  • Course Sequence
    This three-part course sequence is organized especially for those wanting comprehensive instruction and preparation for Wolfram Language Level 1 and Level 2 certifications. The programming proficiency course series meets for three separate class s...
Wolfram U webinars