In 2020 EURADOS published an update of its Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). The updated SRA contains 5 visions which cover the main fields in radiation dosimetry. For each vision challenges and subsequently more detailed research lines are defined. Vision 4: “Towards integrated personalized dosimetry in medical applications” covers the challenges of patient dosimetry in nuclear medicine focussing on both internal dosimetry for pre-clinical development and evaluation of radiopharmaceuticals emitting alpha, beta and auger radiation and implementation of internal dosimetry in clinical practice. Based on SRA vision 4, EURADOS Working Group 7 “internal dosimetry” composes a task group focussing on the development of a roadmap towards a dosimetry model for radionuclide therapy which should provide guidance on the role of EURADOS to address internal dosimetry for therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. In this webinar we first would like to address the challenges and approach of this task group and give our invited speakers the opportunity to give a short insight into the challenges and developments in relation to the production of new radiopharmaceuticals and related dosimetry. Knowing what to expect in the near future is essential for this task group and the roadmap to develop and initiated the basis for this webinar.
Welcome and introduction of EURADOS and WG7, Ramona Bouwman
Lecture 1: Towards a roadmap for internal dosimetry for therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals, Ramona Bouwman, NRG, the Netherlands
Lecture 2: Preclinical development of Th-227 labelled tracers for tumor therapy, Sabine Zitzmann-Kolbe, Bayer AG, Germany
Lecture 3: FIELD-LAB: advancing nuclear medicine in collaboration with academia, start-ups and pharma, Sander de Groot, NRG, the Netherlands
Lecture 4: Terbium-161, a new emerging isotope in targeted radionuclide therapy with a lot of potential, Maarten Ooms, SCK-CEN, Belgium
Lecture 5: PRISMAP, The European Medical Radionuclide Programme: Access to non-conventional isotopes for a starting medical research community across Europe, Thierry Stora, CERN, Switzerland
Since 2018 Ramona Bouwman is working at the Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (NRG) in the Netherlands where she is focussing on research related to the biokinetic modelling of radiopharmaceuticals with a special interest in the use of...
Sabine Zitzmann-Kolbe obtained her PhD in the field of phage display. She spend her postdoc at the Nuclear Medicine department in Heidelberg investigating tumor targeting peptides labelled with radioisotopes for therapy and diagnosis. Later as a...
Sander de Groot has been working at NRG for over 20 years, the last 4 years as program manager medical isotope development. In this program, high potential reactor produced isotopes have been selected, and the irradiation and...
Maarten Ooms is a scientific project leader at the Belgian nuclear research center (SCK CEN) with expertise in many aspects of radiopharmaceutical development. Within SCK CEN, Maarten and his team focus on the development of innovative...
Thierry Stora has been working at CERN since 2005 starting as physicist and currently is working as project leader of CERN MEDICIS facility. The aim of this facility is to produce innovative isotopes for imaging and cancer treatment from the lost...