We’re seeing a greater number of sunspots now that the Sun is at the peak of its solar cycle, and these regions of intense magnetic field are set to increase as the Sun becomes more active. You can safely reveal this remarkable magnetic activity on the Sun using as little as a filtered pair of binoculars, a telescope, or a long camera lens. In this talk we’ll cover what sunspots are, what equipment and accessories you can buy on a budget to see and image their movement over time, and how to stay safe while capturing the Sun’s dynamic surface.
Thursday, 24/04/2025 · 7:00 p.m. London (GMT +1:00)
  • Projecting the Sun’s image and how to do it safely.
  • Off-the-shelf and make-your-own equipment options safe solar imaging with a telescope.
  • Dedicated solar telescopes and what to look for when buying one.
  • Capturing and processing images of the Sun’s active surface with phone cameras, DSLRs and astro cameras.
  • Sketching and drawing active solar regions.
Our Media
Chris Bramley
Chris Bramley is the Editor of BBC Sky at Night Magazine. A journalist by training, he has been covering space and astronomy since 2005 and has headed up the magazine's editorial team since 2011.
Mary McIntyre
Mary McIntyre is an avid astrophotographer, imaging from her garden in rural Oxfordshire, which is also home to her permanent observatory. She has shared her imaging expertise through outreach to schools, Scout and Guide groups, camera clubs and astronomy societies since 2015. Mary also presents workshops on many aspects of practical and theoretical astronomy, and runs an array of cameras linked to the Global Meteor Network, appearing on The Sky at Night on BBC TV to discuss meteor showers monitoring. A regular writer for Sky at Night Magazine and a co-presenter on its podcast, Star Diary, Mary is also the co-author of the Collins Stargazing Bible.
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