Even though many studies on non-target doses are available in the literature, the estimation of out-of-field doses for an individual patient remains a challenge. Since 2010 EURADOS Working Group 9 (Radiation Dosimetry in Radiotherapy) has been working to improve out-of-field dosimetry for photon and particle therapy, especially in the case of pediatric patients. Firstly, WG9 performed a detailed characterization of the out-of-field doses, associated with photon and proton radiotherapy in a simplistic set-up of a water phantom with both measurements and MC simulation. Our investigations clearly showed the complexity associated with the secondary radiation field produced in radiotherapy and allowed us to improve dosimetric methods used for out-of-field dose measurements. The next step included measurement campaigns organized by WG9 to study secondary radiation for different photon radiotherapy techniques. Those experiments were followed by a measurement campaigns dedicated to proton radiotherapy with pencil beam scanning technique (PBS). In both photon and proton therapy, out-of-field organ doses were measured inside 5- and 10-year-old anthropomorphic phantoms for the same target size and location. Our studies were performed for a realistic clinical treatment of a pediatric brain lesion, to give a fair comparison between different treatment methods. Recently, we have focused our work on the estimation of doses received by the fetus during the mother's radiotherapy. Approximately 1 in 1000 pregnancies is complicated by cancer and today around 70% of patients are being treated during their pregnancy. However, radiotherapy is only administered in 3% of these patients mostly due to the lack of accurate dose data as well as reliable information on the risk of fetal damage and the debate of what is considered acceptable. Significant technological advances in radiotherapy open up new opportunities for the treatment of cancer during pregnancy and create the need for a better understanding of out-of-field doses in radiotherapy.
1. Liliana Stolarczyk: Introduction to the workshop
2. Marija Majer: Dosimetry for secondary radiation in radiotherapy
3. Željka Knežević: Out-of-field doses during pediatric radiotherapy
4. Marijke De Saint-Hubert: Radiotherapy during pregnancy
Medical Physicists, PhD - Danish Centre for Particle Therapy AUH, Aarhus, Denmark
Liliana Stolarczyk is a medical physicist with more than 10 years of experience in proton radiotherapy interested in the clinical implementation of new technologies as well as clinical dosimetry, quality control, and secondary and scattered...
Senior research associate - Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
Marija Majer received her PhD in nuclear physic from the University of Zagreb in 2008. Since 2011, her research interest has been in radiation dosimetry with a focus on the characterization and application of radiophotoluminescent and...
Head of Radiation Chemistry and Dosimetry Laboratory, senior research associate - Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
Željka Knežević obtained her PhD in the field of thermoluminescent dosimetry. Currently, she is working as a senior research associate in the field of radiation dosimetry with the focus on patient dosimetry during medical imaging and...
Researcher in the Unit Research in Dosimetric Applications - Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Mol, Belgium
Marijke De Saint-Hubert is responsible for dosimetry applications in the medical field with a particular focus on out-of-field organ doses during radiotherapy as assessed using anthropomorphic phantoms and various dosimetry systems such as...