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How to Lower Your Cost of Marketing – with Tom Peregrino

About This Webinar

Before becoming VP of Operations at Service Nation, Tom Peregrino was an HVAC business owner, and in his first four years in that role, he struggled to move the needle with the company. But after implementing the right best practices, things really took off—to the point where he was spending less on marketing but growing more.

In this webinar on Thursday, Feb 20 at 2pm ET, Tom’s going to share effective tactics and strategies to lower your cost of marketing. Tune in for insights on:

• The most important soft skills for service businesses
• What it means to build a branding machine
• Effective marketing tactics
• Expanding your market

And more, with Q&A. Tom has a wealth of experience. Register now and prepare to expand your knowledge on leadership, operations, and marketing.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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Webinar hosting presenter Kristen McCormick
Head of Marketing, Hatch
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Attended (40)