内容(Content): フローピラティス Flo Pilates 1.5時間(Hour)
日時(Date&Time): 2020.08.02 21:00-22:30 (日本時間/JST)
料金(Price): $15
担当インストラクター: Maki
①お支払い完了(Complete the Registration)
②イベントリンクがメールで送られてきます (Receive a confirmation E-mail with Event URL)
③そちらのリンクから1クリックで当日ご参加いただけます!(Click the URL and Join!)
※The class is open 15 minutes before it starts. Bring Sports Wear, Water, Mat (or Bath Towel)
その中で、PILATES TRAINERS × JTB USA は、それぞれの立場から、“私たちができること”を考え、この度のオンラインイベント実施にいたりました。
オンラインレッスンを通じ、健康的な体と心づくりの場をひとりでも多くの方に提供したい、また、素敵なインストラクターの方々によるレッスンを地域や国境、言語を超えた世界中の皆さまにお届けしたい。PILATES TRAINERSと
JTB USAがそのような想いでスタートするコラボレーションです。
「フィットネス」はココロとカラダも健康で生き生きとした毎日を実現するために、最も優れたツールの一つです。私達 PILATES TRAINERS は、フィットネスの一つである「ピラティス」をより身近に、また継続して頂くために、様々なコンテンツを通して、「みんなで楽しくカラダを動かせるための場所」を提供させていただきたいと常に考えています。世界中の皆さんと共に、元気と笑顔で溢れる時間を時間を共有できたら嬉しいです!
◆[JTB USA, Inc.の想い]◆
$15(アメリカドル) /レッスン1回
レッスン代 $15 =約1,621円
1USD (米ドル) = 108.05 JPY (日本円) 2020年06月29日換算日の基準レート
※為替レート引用:MUFG Bank, Ltd. 外国為替相場一覧表
Pilates Journey 運営事務局(pilatesjourney@jtbusa.com)に
1. 配信中はいかなる機器においても撮影、録画、録音を禁止しています。不当に撮影した写真や映像、音声をインターネット上にアップする行為は刑事処罰を受ける場合がございます。
2. 当日通信上の不具合などで運営事務局よりオンラインレッスン配信ができない場合にはEmail: pilatesjourney@jtbusa.com よりご参加者様が登録されたEmailアドレス宛にご連絡を致します。対象となる方には期間限定再生が可能な録画動画URLをお送りします。何卒ご了承の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
3. 当サイトに記載されている事項を予告なしに変更または中止することがありますのでご了承ください。
As you know, COVID-19 is a disruption that every country is facing, and people are dealing with the restrictions and cancellations of events. We can imagine that this potentially caused a significant motivation and confidence setback for many people who are hoping the world will become normal. We (PILATES TRAINERS x JTB USA) came up with this event from thinking "What can we do?" from each standpoint.
[For this Event]
We want to create and provide a bright future for people as much as we can reach out to. There is no boundary in this class, and the instructors will offer a wonderful class to people all over the world
“Fitness” is one of the greatest tools to keep you healthy physically and mentally. We (PILATES TRAINERS) teach various kinds of “Pilates” in our class to create a place where anyone can enjoy their exercise on a daily basis.
We are excited to meet people from different countries and spend and share an amazing time with everyone.
◆[JTB USA, Inc.]◆
JTB USA, Inc. will post the latest news from the US, not only travel information but also the trends of exercise world each week. From the experiences and network we have had and built up, we will support this event exclusively and connect people worldwide.
FloPilates is a program that is accomplished with calm music so that you flow comfortably. The more you move, the more flexible it becomes. In addition, by repeating one song over and over, you will be guided to the flow state (involuntary state) and your concentration will increase, and after the lesson, you will be refreshed both physically and mentally.
◆[Class Fee・Cancellation Policy]◆
$15 (USD) / 1 Lesson
※These online classes are managed through a digital platform managed and operated by JTB USA, Inc. therefore the U.S. dollar will be used as currency. The exchange rate and any applicable fees at the time of purchase are subject to your credit card company.
Below is listed strictly as for your reference only and please contact your credit card company for the exchange rate.
1 lesson $15.00 U.S. Dollar = ¥1,621 Japanese Yen
1 USD (U.S. Dollar)= 108.05 JPY (Japanese Yen)
Based on the exchanged rate on June 29, 2020
※Exchanged rate reference:
MUFG Bank, Ltd. Foreign Exchange Rates
※The class is non-refundable. If you need to cancel, please contact us via email 24 hours prior to the lesson to receive a code to apply to a future lesson. Please contact us (Email: pilatesjourney@jtbusa.com)
1. The use of text, images, audio and video, and other content on this website is strictly prohibited. Recording or photographing by any device during live streaming is restricted. Unauthorized attempts to upload the photo, video, or audio recording may be punishable by law.
2. In the event of any difficulty uploading the online lessons on the day of the on-line lesson, our operation team pilatesjourney@jtbusa.com will contact your email address registered to sign up for the class. To those applicable, we will send you a limited-time access video recording of the lesson by URL. for the exchange rate.
3. Please note that the contents listed on this website may change without a prior message.
1 lesson $15.00 U.S. Dollar = ¥1,621 Japanese Yen
1 USD (U.S. Dollar)= 108.05 JPY (Japanese Yen)
Based on the exchanged rate on June 29, 2020
※Exchanged rate reference:
MUFG Bank, Ltd. Foreign Exchange Rates
※The class is non-refundable. If you need to cancel, please contact us via email 24 hours prior to the lesson to receive a code to apply to a future lesson. Please contact us (Email: pilatesjourney@jtbusa.com)