With three weeks to go until the exams season gets underway, this webinar will offer practical tips and strategies to help secondary school staff support students to cope with the anxiety and stress they often feel at this time of year.

We will discuss how we can spot students who are struggling as their exams approach and what kind of “in the moment” interventions might help in the run-up to or indeed on exam day – including strategies to calm and support overwhelmed, anxious or stressed students.

We offer some last-minute revision advice as well as tips on self-care in the run-up to exams, including “night-before” advice, tips for good sleep, and things to do on the day.

We will also consider after-exam pastoral care and how anxious students can be supported come results day.

• Pete Henshaw, Editor SecEd (chair)
• Gemma Williamson, Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning), The Hazeley Academy, Milton Keynes
• Alex Smith, Deputy Headteacher, King’s School, Gloucester
• Dr Pooky Knightsmith, Director, Creative Education
• Sophia Kapcia, English specialist & experienced teacher/subject lead


Advice for our students
• With three weeks to go and during the actual exam series, how should students tackle their revision? What does effective revision look like at this stage?
• How is last-minute revision best undertaken? Should it be undertaken at all?
• What kind of health advice can we offer students (diet, hydration, no caffeine, sleep/naps, leisure time, exercise)?
• In the run-up to, on the eve of, and on the day of the exam, how can we best manage our stress and anxiety?
• How do students prepare properly the day before?
• Techniques to use on the day to keep calm and perform well

Advice for teachers
• How can we support in the days before the exam? What kind of teacher do students need to see? Encouragement, reassurance, practical advice?
• How can we support on the day when we see our students ahead of the exam?
• Advice for talking to stressed students ahead of exam
• How can we calm students down if they are panicking? What to say/do in moments of crisis? Strategies to calm and support overwhelmed, anxious or stressed students
• Advice for talking to stressed students after the exam
• Advice to support anxious students on results day

Question & answer from the audience
• We will leave 10-20 minutes for questions

  • 1679408235-f43b149acb747dbf
    Dr Pooky Knightsmith
    Director, Creative Education Limited
    An internationally respected face of child and adolescent mental health, Pooky works tirelessly to “be the change she wants to see”. A keynote speaker, lecturer, trainer and author, she develops and shares practical, evidence-informed approaches to promoting mental health – arming health, social care and education staff with the skills, understanding and knowledge they need to support the children in their care.
    Pooky has a PhD in child mental health from the Institute of Psychiatry, is the author of many books, is the research and development director at Creative Education, and is a former chair of the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition.
  • 1679408587-6e4162628dbd103a
    Alex Smith
    Deputy headteacher, King’s School, Gloucester
    Alex Smith is the Senior Deputy Head at The King's School, Gloucester, a mixed independent day school. His prior experience includes being Head of Department, Head of Year and Head of Data Analysis in various schools. He has international experience both in leading an Adult IT & Classics Commenius Course throughout Europe and through Erasmus school exchanges with pupils. He holds an MA in Education where he researched into the impact of technology on pupils’ learning and results. His hobbies centre around running but he is also a qualified squash coach having been successful at the sport, gaining awards in a national amateur championship in 2015.
  • 1679408320-e3d719bd83cce922
    Gemma Williamson
    Deputy Principal for Teaching and Learning, The Hazeley Academy, Milton Keynes
    Gemma Williamson is a Deputy Principal for Teaching and Learning at a large, successful secondary in Milton Keynes. She is passionate about teacher development, leading creative CPD days for the 5 Dimensions Trust. Her background is as a Director of English. She is passionate about pedagogy, recently leading on the development of metacognition and self-regulation. Gemma’s goal is to lead and work with authenticity and strives to develop this culture in education.
  • 1679408356-864339c6fa4c7bca
    Sophia Kapcia
    English specialist
    Sophia Kapcia is a researcher, leader and experienced English teacher with more than 20 years of teaching experience. Sophia has experience as a head of English, subject leader of English and whole-school literacy lead. She is currently completing her PhD at Lancaster University in the Faculty of Education and Social Justice. Sophia seeks to contribute to equity within the classroom by advocating for the creation of inclusive settings for all students using an intersectional framework.
  • 1679408515-be438eb993730aeb
    Pete Henshaw
    Editor SecEd & Headteacher Update
    Twitter: @pwhenshaw @SecEd_Education