• About
    During these difficult times, business leaders must balance the needs of their clients with the wellbeing of their employees. Few people understand that task better than Katherine Shappley. As Facebook’s Global Business Group vice president, she oversees the millions of small businesses that use Facebook to connect and grow, and as the head of Facebook’s Austin office, she leads 1500 employees while managing the office's culture and workflow. Along with all this, she is also responsible for stimulating jobs and providing appropriate digital and technical training at Facebook.
    With so many people looking to Shappley right now, what is her strategy for managing thousands of employees while working from home?How is Facebook meeting the needs of small businesses in such difficult circumstances? What are the innovative approaches the company is taking to help the community in such uncertain times? Find out the answers to all this and more during this Bisnow webinar. There will also be plenty of time for questions.
    Can’t attend live? You should still register! We’ll be sending out the recording to all registrants.
  • Agenda
    • What are your core beliefs in regards to leading a team? How do you manage this when you are housebound?
    • How are you creating work-life balance and maintaining your sanity?
    • How are you changing your business strategy in response to the current situation?
    • What innovative ways have you seen people stay connected? How are you leading your teams virtually?
    • What observations are you seeing from both a local and global standpoint?
  • Duration
    1 hour
  • Price
  • Language
  • Dial-in available
    (listen only)
    Not available.