As I pondered what might be most useful to people now, I was thinking it might be cool to do a Core Issue Therapy and Huna Breakthrough Day to help gain clarity, clear the neurological cobwebs, refocus on soul purpose, and clear and resolve a few limiting beliefs and blockages using a mix of Soul Plan Core Issue Therapy, Tarot, and some Huna Energy Clearing.
This 1-day Webinar will be useful for those:
* Feeling stuck in a rut and needing greater clarity an energy boost.
* Held back by old limiting beliefs and past negative patterns.
* In need of future insight and next steps.
* Looking to get to the root cause of old issues and past trauma.
* Who want to cut and heal old energetic ties and connections.
CORE ISSUE THERAPY: Core Issue Therapy is amazing for tapping into issues which lie at the unconscious heart and soul level. This is particularly important if you have great motivational tools, have tried to work on what holds you back, yet somehow you still feel stuck and fall into old patterns. The CIT can take us in a number of directions including addressing fears, stagnation, unresolved grief, oversensitivity, embodiment trauma, power dynamic issues and giving your power away, false self, chakra energy blockages, missing soul fragments.
During the Webinar we will do a Group Process to look at old separation patterns, do a Soul Plan Diagnosis, find the underlying story, identify the intervention, and do a Guided Healing Process.
ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS: For those who have joined the free Webinars which I run for my eNewsletter Group, you will already know about this incredible modality. Access Consciousness is a fast and powerful way to unlock, shift and change old beliefs, judgements and limitations. I liken it to the Fast and the Furious film franchise!
HUNA: What can I say except WOW? Huna is a firm favourite with my global transatlantic Coaching and Therapy clients because not only does this amazing energy travel, it also works brilliantly if you are watching or listening to a replay recording. During this unique Workshop we will use the Huna symbols to clear stuck energy and mindset.
TAROT: Tarot Tuesday is absolutely the most favourite day of the week for my Online Membership Group. "Spot on!" "OMG" and "100 million percent spot on" is the most common feedback from those watching the recordings. We'll do a Group Tarot Reading and possibly a few individual Readings if we have time.
PLEASE NOTE: The $81 early booking price expires on 27th May 2021. Thereafter the price will increase as we get closer to the Workshop date so if you definitely want to attend, book now.
Marilyn Devonish
Flexible Working Implementation Consultant (since 2003), The NeuroSuccess Coach & Mental Health First Aid Trainer