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About This Webinar

For over 25 years Superior Radiant Products has been the industry leader in the design and manufacture of energy-efficient infrared heating solutions and is dedicated to providing superior technology and superior performance. SRP offers a complete range of gas-fired low and high-intensity infrared heaters for industrial, commercial, agricultural, and residential applications worldwide. We continuously strive to develop new products for niche and mainstream markets worldwide and now have more than 40 product groups for multiple channels. In addition to the traditional gas-fired heating products we now are introducing electrical and renewable energy products.

Language: English
Who can attend? Everyone
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
V.P. HVAC Distribution
Chuck is the VP of Sales with SRP and the President of the HVACR
Manufacturers Association (HMA)
Hosted By
Gustave A Larson  webinar platform hosts Superior Radiant Products
Gustave A Larson Virtual Conference