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Dr. Geoffrey Dahl, from the University of Florida presents, "Beat the Heat - Or It'll Beat You!"
Harriet B. Weeks Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Florida
Geoffrey E. Dahl is the Harriet B. Weeks Professor in the Department of Animal Sciences and Director of the USAID Feed the Future Livestock Systems Innovation Lab at the University of Florida, Gainesville. He grew up on a dairy farm in Massachusetts and received his B.S. in Animal Science (with a minor in Food & Resource Economics) from the University of Massachusetts in 1985. Geoff completed his M.S. in Dairy Science at Virginia Tech in 1987, and earned his Ph.D. in Animal Science from Michigan State University in 1991. He then spent 3 years as a Post-doctoral fellow in the Reproductive Sciences Program at the University of Michigan, before joining the faculty at the University of Maryland in 1994. At Maryland, he served as Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Coordinator in the Department of Animal & Avian Sciences. Prior to his current appointment, Dr. Dahl served as Professor and Extension Dairy Specialist in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (2000 2006). He has been an active member of ADSA since 1985, and has served as a member and chair of the Lactation Biology and Growth & Development committees, and the selection committees for the Cargill Young Scientist Award, the Merial Dairy Management Award, the Genevieve Christian Student Award, and the Pfizer Animal Health Award. Geoff served as the ADSA representative to CoFARM from 2005 to 2008 and currently serves as Production Division Secretary. He has been a member of the Journal of Dairy Science Editorial Board since 2001, and he became a Physiology & Management Section Editor in 2008.
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