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Dead Sea Scrolls episode 5

Who can view: People who registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Frances Hogan
Frances Hogan is a lay missionary and educator working in the Catholic Church since the late 60's. She worked as a missionary in West Africa for some years. She has taught in schools in Africa and Ireland. From the mid-80's she lectured in the Milltown Institute of Philosophy and Theology in Dublin, and served four years on the Theological Commission of the Bishops. She is also trained as a Spiritual Director and Retreat giver.

Since the '80s Frances has written ten books, now out of print. Over the years Frances has made many teachings on Scripture and the Spiritual Life available for sale on hundreds of cassettes. The current list is available in her online shop, now only available in digital format on franceshogan.com

Frances no longer gives Missions in parishes, as well as Retreats and Seminars to people mainly in the English-speaking world. She continues to give Scripture classes from her home.
Máire Begley
thanks a million Frances for clarifying who Simon the Leper was...its all fascinating and exciting,,,thank you so much for your hard work and thanks to your team
maire Begley,,mo cheol do chuisle
Jane Horner
Can I view all of them again please
david ritson
Does it get any better? This is fascinating. Thank you Frances and the team.
Jane Horner
Can I listen to lesson three first?
Marie Brown
Marie Brown
Can I listen to lessons 1-4 please first.
Marie Brown
Can I listen to death sea scrolls lessons 1-4 please..fiat
Marie Brown
Thank you Miss Frances for excepting me on your sessions...
Melanie Stevens
Hi, Jane & Marie - the previous sessions for this course are available for viewing on Frances’ website (www.franceshogan.com). Just go to the section “Classes” and scroll to the name of the course. As long as you are registered, you should be able to view each video lesson up until today’s.
Helene Lambruschi
Francis session 5 of the DSS has catapulted me into a state of "aesthetic arrest!" As I attentively listened to the words you spoke today, I often found myself stopped dead in my tracks. However, since the catalyst for my hunger on the Lord's kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven" I welcome with eager hospitality such encounters with the good, the true and the beautiful!. I am currently on holiday so as I look out over the aqua-blue Caribbean, I find myself inwardly filled to overflowing with a depth of longing that I KNOW originates from above.

During your presentation today, you said, " . . . . the married Essene's were the second lot - true remnant who spread out all over the land to educate others with regards to Jesus who was and is the great I am. In my particular theological studies a rather mild interest in the Universal Call to Holiness in Lumen Gentium, grew into a passionate interest as I learned of a number of preceding documents that contributed to the development of this thinking especially with regards to the particular phrase, "priesthood of the laity." However, not until about an hour ago did I EVER consider how or even THAT the remnant ushered in by Living in the Divine Will (Book of Heaven, Luisa) has it's roots in the Essene community referred to in the DSS!

I thank God for you and your ability to make the complexity of this developmental trajectory so clear to me that I might be able to continue to listen to the Holy Spirit and connect the dots like in a child's book of simple activities. Abundant Blessings in Christ +++
Frances Hogan
Jane & Marie,

I will email you your links.

Frances Hogan
Helene, thank you for your reflection. As we proceed you will understand more that the Essenes of that far-off time have a lot to teach us who are the remnant today preparing for a new era they could not have imagined. Our privilege to live in the Divine Will so far surpasses the grace given to them that I am astonished by their heroism - which you will see more of!
Máire Begley
Wonderful teaching as usual,,,thanks Frances,,,one question,,,Simon who was cured of leprosy,???,,Im confused...thats not Simon Peter our first Pope ???
Buiochas o chroi
Maire Begley
Frances Hogan
No Maire. It is Simon, the Zealot.
Dorothy O’Neill
I don’t have any questions. I guess I need to be told what to ask! ☐ this was so interesting to know the differences between the P,S and E. And it so similar to today’s world. ….sigh ….nothing changes in men’s hearts.
And Mark has taken on a whole different meaning. ….just amazing. Thank you.
….I fried to get up in time for your live class but, you see, I don’t do early mornings and quick isn’t a part of my vocabulary. ….giggle …. ☐….Dorothy
John Mceleny
Just wanted to T.Y. Frances for today's lesson and this Fascinating Study. As always I look forward to the next D.S.S. lesson & all of mama Luisa s lessons. May God Bless you & Our Holy Mother continue to guide you,as She does all Her little ones...john from suprise,arizona .
Frances Hogan
Please find the notes of this episode attached.

All notes can also be found on France's website here:

Please direct any questions or comments to info@franceshogan.com as we don't get notified of comments left here.
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