今次邀請在ADHD領域相當權威的精神病學家Edward Hallowell,他會用正面態度,與成年的ADHD朋友(尤其是女性)分享如何欣然接受ADHD症狀、活得悠然自在的心得,而且講解ADHD朋友如何發揮自己所長,重獲自信!
Has ADHD lowered your self-esteem? Did you get hurt when you grew up with ADHD? Does no one understand your struggles and difficulties? In this webinar, Edward Hallowell, a world-renowned child and adult psychiatrist and authority on ADHD, will share his positive views with adult ADHDers (especially women). Dr. Hallowell will share some tips for the ADHDers to accept ADHD symptoms, and ADHDers to play their strengths, thus feeling more confident!