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EVolve: Equitable Evolution of Electric Vehicles

About This Webinar

Urban Efficiency Group, LLC in partnership with Mayor Katrina Thompson and the Village of Broadview are set to discuss the future of mobility and the emergence of the electric vehicle market. Please join this virtual experience as Joseph Wachunas, Development & Program Manager from FORTH demystifies the confusion surrounding this market. We are hopeful the clarity will drive your adoption of electric vehicles.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Darnell L Johnson
President of Urban Efficiency Group
Darnell is the President of Urban Efficiency Group, a minority owned sustainability design firm that develops and deploys equitable sustainability strategies to disinvested communities. Darnell has over two decades of social science experience ranging from grassroots community organizing to program development and implementation. Darnell serves as the national Vice-Chairman for the Building Performance Association, Board Member for the Illinois Environmental Council and Board Member for Neighborhood Heroes Foundation.
Webinar hosting presenter
Mayor Katrina Thompson is the incumbent Mayor of the Village of Broadview serving her second term. Through her vision and commitment to achieving a sustainable future for the Village of Broadview, she commissioned the Broadview Alliance for Sustainability. Mayor Thompson's sustainability roadmap is comprehensive with EV and EV Charging among the initial high priorities because of the close alignment with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air quality issues.
Webinar hosting presenter
Joe serves as a Program and Development Manager at Forth. His focus is on electric school buses and tractors, as well as business development and grant writing. Prior to Forth, Joe worked in clean energy at the nonprofit Solar Oregon. Joe is a regular contributor to the blog CleanTechnica and serves on the board of Pace Ghana.
Hosted By
Attended (24)