Let's go to Glacier National Park for an afternoon and visit one of the most incredible moments I've ever seen while on location. In this event, we'll go to Logan Pass and I'll share a wild weather experience with you. Nature was on full display as I found myself somewhere UNDER the rainbow!
I'll show you my entire workflow from start to finish on this image. I'll even share my vision and a recap of the events and how they unfolded. As with every Start to the Art workflow, I'll print the image and give you insight into the paper choice and any issues I encountered along the way.
Join me on November 26th at 2 PM CDT.
This event will be free to attend live, and the replay will have a limited availability for non-f.64 Elite Members.
Location/Vision Discussion - Adobe Bridge
Raw workflow - Adobe Camera Raw
Complete Photoshop workflow - Adobe Photoshop
Print Discussion
Closing Remarks
Blake Rudis
Creator of f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite
Blake Rudis is a classically trained artist who started as a painter, transitioned into printmaking and sculpture, and finally decided to double down on his love for photography. He incorporates his knowledge of aesthetics and color theory in his photography courses and is known for his acclaimed Photoshop® workflow.
Blake is a self-published author and is an independent photo educator. His past partnerships include Creative Live, Topaz Labs, Plotagraph Pro, and ON1.