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Service & Product Track: Strategies to Increase Efficiency and Reduce Callbacks
Thursday, October 15, 2020 · 1:00 p.m. · Central Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar
Understanding what a call back is and the devastating costs involved can help a company avoid losing money. Learn how to identify, track, and reduce call backs to be more profitable.
Who can view: People who attended or registered for the webinar only
Chris Elam has the fortune of twenty-plus years experience in the HVAC industry. He began as a basic helper, and within 4 years, a part owner of new company. Three years later Chris started his own company in Indiana. During his time, had the opportunity to work with and train many technicians on the fine art of sales and being a true professional the field. Now working for Gustave A. Larson, Chris has the ability to work with and help technicians on a daily basis. His goal is to help them become proficient profitable professionals for their company and themselves.