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pv magazine Webinar | Can solar tracking algorithms alone provide the solution to minimize energy losses on difficult terrain?

About This Webinar

Initiative partner: Array

Can solar tracking algorithms alone really overcome all adverse site conditions?

As developers are looking to install on hilly sites and sloped terrain for new projects, some are depending on tracker algorithms as a cure-all for undulating topography. Join our webinar to find out what combination of steps can be taken to mitigate energy loss.

Growing concerns around energy loss when installing utility-scale PV with trackers on challenging terrain may be valid. During this webinar, we will discuss how these energy losses are measured, as well as assess just how much energy can be lost due to ground conditions. Furthermore, we are going to examine best practices for developing these sites to mitigate production losses; focusing on the factors with the most significant benefits.

We will be joined by Tim Townsend, from DNV GL, who will share DNV GL’s method and results of a recent deep-dive study on how the independent engineering firm analyzes the problem and their conclusion for systematically minimizing energy losses.

Joining him will be Jon Sharp, Vice President of Advanced Technology, and Spencer Smith, Senior Director of Business Development, from Array Technology, Inc who will discuss the market drivers behind the need to develop in less than ideal locations as well as practical examples of achievable production gains with proven design best practices.

Join our webinar for a better understanding of tailoring array and site design on challenging terrains. Our speakers will demonstrate the implications of site design and the effects on production as they answer the critical question: can tracking algorithms alone really overcome adverse site conditions?

Webinar content:
• Defining market drivers that lead developers to build utility-scale PV in less ideal conditions
• Method of analyzing production losses from shading on uneven terrain
• Methods for addressing production losses from shading on uneven terrain

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This webinar was recorded on 12 September 2019.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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