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Dublin: Surprising by Nature

About This Webinar

Welcome to Dublin, a city that's as intimate as a village and as friendly as an Irish pub. Framed by mountains, centered on a river and edged by a beautiful bay, the city's streets and alleys are filled with vibrant art and historic buildings, hip cafés and traditional "old man" pubs, as Dubliners call them. Walk the streets and you'll feel the energy of over 1,000 years of history, as echoes of the Vikings mix with buzzing boutiques, cobbled streets reverberate with the sounds of buskers, and 18th century parks play host to festivals, film and food markets. Dublin is home to an abundance of beauty and in our webinar on November 14th, we will offer a local insight into the county which is most definitely surprising by nature.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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Tourism Ireland webinar platform hosts Dublin: Surprising by Nature
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