In this webinar, Christian Silk and Marianne Ironside will address a number of key planning issues that may affect the ability to implement a planning permission and deliver a development including:

- Highway works and the adoption of estate roads
- Discharge of pre-commencement conditions and keeping planning permissions alive
- Compliance with planning conditions where only part of the site is acquired / developed (including site sharing agreements)
- Multi-phase development and reserved matters / drop in planning permissions
- Status of historic Section 106 / 52 Agreements

To support the webinar content you can also download our our Key Takeaway Top Tips document with full contact details for our speakers. This can be accessed via the notepad icon at the bottom of the webinar screen, next to volume icon.

If you have any further questions please get in touch with the speakers direct or email
  • 1657209363-b5168f3777dd4f36
    Christian Silk
  • 1657209539-50c22d95cd3e993e
    Marianne Ironside