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How to track your key initiatives with Microsoft Roadmap

About This Webinar

Tracking key projects or programs in an agile organization can be a difficult task. Project Managers use different tools across the organization and you have to rely on manual status updates from each project - or Product Manager to get a complete overview of your initiatives.

With Microsoft Roadmap you can track key initiatives across many different applications such as Azure Boards, MS Project and can easily be integrated with other applications such as MS Planner or JIRA.

In this webinar, you will get an introduction to Microsoft Roadmap and learn how you can track your products, programs or projects. With ease, you can share your Roadmap with key stakeholders and you will see how the CDS platform can be utilized to create historic reporting and forecast trends of your initiatives.

Level: Introductory

  • The story behind Microsoft Roadmap
  • Creating your first Roadmap
  • Reporting, Historic tracking and Trends
  • Integration with other platforms such as JIRA
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 3ba5a63b9621
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior Solution Architect at Projectum ApS
Christian is a senior Solution Architect with 10+ years of experience working with Project and Portfolio Management.
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Projectum webinar platform hosts How to track your key initiatives with Microsoft Roadmap
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