Our first introductory webinar! Please check out the Agenda below for more details, however, this session will mostly be a trial run as we check to ensure that the system is working as it should and that everyone is able to participate. This is important because you'll have the opportunity to use this system as part of your clinical oversight for the Facilitators that you train.
In addition we'll look at some of the administrative, back-end operations and how you can use your various accounts to access the Caring Dads website, share your calendar and participate in the forum.
I look forward to chatting with you all!
Webinar ID
Welcome and Introductions
Accounts and Setting Up (Caring Dads Website and Google)
Caring Dads Accredited Trainer contracts
Using the Pro-Portal
Reporting & QA
Jean-Paul Mouton
Global Enterprise Developer
Jean-Paul is the founder of Moutonco, a consulting agency focused on growing the impact of social enterprises. He joins our team in the role of Enterprise Development where he works to enhance the global reach of the Caring Dads program.
Jean-Paul combines an excellent academic background with rich international experience. He graduated magna cum laude from his MBA, and also holds an International Politics Honours degree. He has worked with nonprofits, businesses, educational institutions and local government across four continents. Jean-Paul is a passionate advocate for social enterprise and has presented at a host of conferences, including TEDx.