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Patient Centricity: Real Life Approaches to On-Time Patient Enrolment

About This Webinar

At PSI, we do not just pay lip service to the use of tools and techniques in order to say we are patient centric.

Our primary focus is to use our expert knowledge in order to enrol your studies on time, every time. Sometimes this will involve the use of digital technologies, mostly it will be all about building a supportive infrastructure for the patients to ease their way into the study visits. Yet other times, the most patient centric thing to do is to activate the site in the shortest time possible, so the patient doesn’t miss out on the opportunity to join the study.

Are you interested in hearing real examples of how PSI’s patient centric approach works on the most practical, pragmatic level? Join us for a webinar at 2pm GMT on March 17th to hear folks from our clinical teams discuss their patient-centric approaches and experiences in more detail.

  • Understanding and Defining Patient Centricity: An Overview
  • Pragmatic Approaches to Patient Centricity from a CRO
  • Lessons, Case Studies, and Real World Results of Patient Centricity
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Webinar Price: Free
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Patient Engagement Lead
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Director, Business Development
Webinar hosting presenter PSI CRO
Director, Global Marketing
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PSI CRO webinar platform hosts Patient Centricity: Real Life Approaches to On-Time Patient Enrolment
About PSI: PSI is a privately-owned, full-service clinical research organization (CRO) operating globally. PSI’s global reach supports clinical trials across multiple countries and continents and is known to be highly selective about the work that they pursue.
Attended (53)