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Modernizing & Maximizing Efficiency in AWS With Kong Konnect

About This Webinar

In this workshop, Div Shekhar, partner solutions architect at AWS, Claudio Acquaviva, software architect at Kong, and Mark Sivill, senior solutions engineer at Kong, will demonstrate the ways Konnect can help your organization adopt a federated API management model throughout their life cycle and show how the API gateway pattern can be used for modernization with Kong.

Who can view: People who registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Host - Techstrong Learning
Webinar hosting presenter
Partner Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services - AWS
Webinar hosting presenter
Software Architect - Kong
Claudio Acquaviva is currently focused on API Management, Microservices and Service Mesh, monolith to microservices migration projects on OnPremises and Cloud Computing Hybrid environments.
Webinar hosting presenter Mark S
Senior Solutions Engineer - Kong
Mark is based in the United Kingdom and works with companies to explore the value that Kong can deliver to their businesses. Previously he has worked at companies such as Splunk, Salesforce, and Oracle bringing his background in observability, Software-as-a-Service, and middleware to API Management.
Hosted By
Techstrong Learning webinar platform hosts Modernizing & Maximizing Efficiency in AWS With Kong Konnect
Techstrong is an Omniversal media company covering IT industries and practices that are re-shaping the world of technology. Specifically, DevOps, Cloud Native, Cybersecurity and Digital Transformation are the communities we live in.
Attended (90)