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About This Webinar

Elsevier’s Sherpath AI solution was created in direct response to critical needs highlighted by the nursing educational community, including the demand for reliable study resources, improved student engagement with course materials, and driving capacity and effectiveness in the face of resource constraints. Sherpath AI offers best-in-class features including:
• Trusted, evidence-based nursing education content
• source citations for accuracy and reliability
• diverse multi-media tutorials including Osmosis for Nursing videos
• interactive chat dialogue and personalized responses in the moment of learning
• support for course preparation and teaching strategies

  • Background on Sherpath AI ideation and concept
  • Elsevier’s responsible AI principles explained
  • See Sherpath AI in action during a live demonstration
  • Learn about actionable implementation strategies from an experienced nurse educator
  • Q&A
When: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 · 1:00 p.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: English
Who can attend? Anyone with the event link can attend
Dial-in available? (listen only): No
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
VP, Product
Ryan Blankenship, VP, Learning and Adaptive: Ryan has been working in the Ed Tech space for over 25 years spending most of that time working with adaptive and AI-based learning and assessment platforms. He has been leading product teams for over 10 years in multiple areas such as mathematics, sciences and workforce training for IT and healthcare. Ryan is inspired by the ability for learning in all its forms- academic, personal, upskilling, etc.- to transform lives, and embraces the challenge of producing and delivering high-quality, outcomes-based digital learning at scale.
Webinar hosting presenter
Hollie is an NLN Certified Nurse Educator and a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator through the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. She brings a diverse nursing background and has teaching experience in lab, clinical, simulation, as well as didactic teaching experience both in person and online and she has taught at all levels (LPN, ADN, BSN, and Graduate). Hollie has studied and implemented the Team-Based Learning approach and is an advocate for bringing clinical to the classroom to improve critical thinking and clinical judgement. She has expertise in curriculum design as well as program evaluation and accreditation. In her role of Nursing Education and Implementation Manger, Hollie is proud to be a small cog in the wheel that is driving nursing into the future!