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· 2 hours 30 minutes

Why use Engage Process?

Friday, March 14, 2025 · 6:33 a.m. · London
Note: This webinar is part of a multi-session recurring webinar: Why use Engage Process? .
About This Webinar

A demonstration by Andrew Sandford of We are Lean and Agile as to how Engage Process can help with many organisational problems.

You can significantly improve the way you deliver process/service improvement.

Whether you are improving processes, being a business analyst or project manager, service designer even user researchers this product can help your productivity.

Have a look at how Engage Process is the best improvement software I have ever come across.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Andy Sandford
I am the founder of We are Lean and Agile.
We help you develop YOUR capability to deliver IMPROVEMENT in a FASTER, more EFFICIENT, more EFFECTIVE and ENGAGING way.
We founded the company when we came across an amazing platform for continuous improvement that wasn’t used in the UK. The aim was to bring productivity tools and techniques to the UK and specifically (at that point) Public Sector. We have a PUBLIC SECTOR ETHOS to deliver QUALITY and VALUE at the RIGHT PRICE. We don’t want to do the work for organisations we want to give the tools techniques and training/coaching to allow you to create SUSTAINABLE CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT CAPABILITIES in your ORGANISATION.
The continuous improvement platform provides a tool to help you map, model and improve your processes continuously. It saves time for your analysts, helps you understand your process costs, identify and quantify benefits of change and understand the business case. The tool provides powerful analysis and collaboration tools and even gives you functionality to create your digital process handbook for all of your processes.
It reduces the need for large numbers of highly skilled business analysts and enables you to embed and train all staff to be able to map and continuously improve.
It also speeds up delivery by removing the waste in the process improvement process.
Still not convinced we give a free trial with free 'Get Started' training.
Give it a go you have literally nothing to lose!

I have coming up to 20 years Public and Private Sector experience in delivering improvement projects and programmes in change, improvement and technology. Love talking about continuous improvement.

Contact us for more information https://weareleanandagile.com/about-us/contact-us/ or email sales@weareleanandagile.com
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